Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"That's Amore"

Last Thursday we had our school carnival.  The theme was "It's a Small World".  Craig and I did the food again this year; pizza, brownie & a drink.  So of course we were Italy!  It was so great.  I had this really cleaver plan; I would hang my old outdoor Christmas lights, that are big circles, from the rafters of the pavilion to make it into an Italian Cafe.  My cute neighbor said she would watch my kids so I could get things set up.   I thought it would at the most take an hour to set up.  WHAT WAS I THINKING!! I forgot how I hate stringing lights, hence my new Christmas tree with lights already on them.  It took me two hours just to string the lights.  Hopefully I've learned.  No more cleaver plans.
It was so great!  Mom, Katheryn & Whitney came to help for the first part.  Then the girls on the tennis team came to help serve. 
We called it "Cougars to Cougars".  They are so great.  I could never do this without all of their help.
The kids had a great time.  McKay hung with Max & Tom & Ab hung with her friend Amanda.  Josie was so excited to get her picture taken, face painted and her hair colored (of course) pink.  Kimball loved the train ride.  While we were over there he saw balloons and took off to take them off the board they were on.  I had to run as fast as I could, the balloons were attached to the board for darts.  (sigh) That kid. 
I can never thank all the people who helped enough.  I don't know if they will ever know how much that meant to me. 


McKay said...

I think that is fun I was thare too.

McKay said...
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McKay said...
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