Monday, February 15, 2010

Time Out

So I'm sure you were all wondering how our day was. Well let me show you:
Kimball had, had quite the day, and ended up in "TIME OUT". {This was after he threw his shoes at me.} The way time out goes here is; once you gain control and say sorry you can get out, 1 min. or 10. Well he was throwing quite a whopper of a fit. Finally he stopped, so I went over to talk to him. And I found him like this. A SLEEP IN TIME OUT! I'd say poor kid, but I'm really thinking, poor mom. ;)


Rosander said...

That is so funny! Well I just went to put Molly to sleep and saw writing on the wall behind her bed, every article of clothing pulled out of her closet and they pulled the rocking chair down today and have been fighting all day long... If it wasn't bed time they would be in time out as well... Must run in the blood! I'm thinking poor mom!

Natalie said...

Yeah, I'd say poor mom! That's kind of funny...

Katheryn Wiederhold said...

ha ha oh that is funny! At least he was being quiet. ha ha. I sure do love you and its not fun to have shoes thrown at you!

Kameron said...

Ha! That's hilarious. That's our rule, too - you have to be coherent in order to come out of time out...