Monday, February 15, 2010

Craft Hope

Awhile back I came across this fabulous group called Craft Hope. It's a blog that is set up to do services for others in need. We've done all kinds of fun projects that have been sent around the world. The latest project was knitting red scarfs for orphans that are collage bound. Each year 25,000 students 'age out' of the foster care system and the Orphan Foundation is "committed to helping them become tomorrow's successful citizens." A red scarf is placed in a Valentines Day care packages for each of them. Here's the one I sent with a little note:

I love the pattern. I can't wait to see the next project! I don't know what the next project will be, but I can hardly wait. If anyone else wants to do it next time, let's get together.
Craft Hope Spreading seeds of hope one stitch at a time


Katheryn Wiederhold said...

what an amazing sister you are! I hope one day I find the will to do something great also. I love you. and what a cute scarf that is.

Kameron said...

wow! I'm super impressed...

Pres. & Sis. Baird said...

I think that is the nicest thing to do. I love the scarf. You are always looking for a way to serve and help others.
Thanks for being such a good example.
Love you