Saturday, June 20, 2009


While reading a recent post on Mormon Mommy Wars I exclaimed to Craig.  "She totally gets me!"  My favorite date night {much to Craig's chagrin} is hanging out at Borders.  The feeling, people, smells, comfort.  I never could put into words how it makes me feel, but she did, fantastically!  Yes I'm a book hoarder.  I have stacks of books in almost every room in the house.  My night stand is always toppling over with books to read.  And I must also admit, I like to buy them.  Not check them out or borrow them, buy {however I love lending them out}.  The characters become real to me and to give them back to the library seems like abandoning my own children or a friend.  

"How can I possible describe the feeling I get when 
I’m standing in a room full of books? 
For me it’s comparable to a pair of warm wool socks, 
the security of an heirloom family quilt, 
or the fulfillment of a Thanksgiving dinner. 
Peace envelops me when I enter a library or book store. 
Bookshelves provide the perfect shelter from the static of my life. 
The spines of thousands of books become friends I haven’t met, waiting for me to invite them home, to discover their true identity. 
In a perfect world, I would wander through every row of fiction, launch into the 100s of Dewey’s wonderful decimal system and finish with biographies, 
only to begin again to make sure I didn’t miss anything."


Liz said...

I understand all too well. I would love to hear some of your favorites. I am in the midst of a series right now that is excellent. Mistborn is the name of the first one and its by Brandon Sanderson.

Gimme Guide said...

I love going to Borders as well! Kirk and I usually go to read magazines though. I get overwhelmed when I go in to get a book, I can never choose!

Jodi said...

LOVE this post - hanging out at the book store is also one of my favorite dates...and I love the same things! the smell, the feel the hours of wardnering and reading book jackets and the PURCHASING!! I do the same thing! We should start a book swap!!

Rosander said...

I love to buy books as well... we must get that from mom, but I'm not 1/2 the reader you are. I wish that I loved it as much as you do. I am loving it the older I get.

Kameron said...

This would be why we're friends: I LOVE this post! I am right there with you, let me tell you. Books are my ultimate weakness. My mom was complaining the other day that one of her friends was taking a bubble bath and reading a book in the MIDDLE of the DAY, and I honestly couldn't see anything wrong! Ü As much as I love sleep, I will stay up until 2 or 3am to finish a book. (Then hate myself the next day, but hey!) Jerod always chides me for inhaling a book - he says "You need to ENJOY a book - SAVOR it!" My retort? "What do you think I'm doing?" Just because I read it quickly doesn't mean I don't love it!

And I HATE using the library. I can't handle giving books back! But these days I've been using it a bit more. *sniff sniff*