Saturday, June 20, 2009


While reading a recent post on Mormon Mommy Wars I exclaimed to Craig.  "She totally gets me!"  My favorite date night {much to Craig's chagrin} is hanging out at Borders.  The feeling, people, smells, comfort.  I never could put into words how it makes me feel, but she did, fantastically!  Yes I'm a book hoarder.  I have stacks of books in almost every room in the house.  My night stand is always toppling over with books to read.  And I must also admit, I like to buy them.  Not check them out or borrow them, buy {however I love lending them out}.  The characters become real to me and to give them back to the library seems like abandoning my own children or a friend.  

"How can I possible describe the feeling I get when 
I’m standing in a room full of books? 
For me it’s comparable to a pair of warm wool socks, 
the security of an heirloom family quilt, 
or the fulfillment of a Thanksgiving dinner. 
Peace envelops me when I enter a library or book store. 
Bookshelves provide the perfect shelter from the static of my life. 
The spines of thousands of books become friends I haven’t met, waiting for me to invite them home, to discover their true identity. 
In a perfect world, I would wander through every row of fiction, launch into the 100s of Dewey’s wonderful decimal system and finish with biographies, 
only to begin again to make sure I didn’t miss anything."

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mrs. Nelson & Me

Hi my name is Abby. I use to be in 2nd grad Mrs. Nelson  was my teacher. Mrs. Nelson was the best teacher in the wold! I loved her. I learned alot  about her & other things like fractions ; fractions are my favorite. I wish i cold be in 2nd grad still. But Mrs. Nelson does not teach any more she stay's home with her grandkids. Mrs. Nelson loved us we loved her. But now i have Mrs. donathorn. She  will not be better than Mrs. Nelson though. Mrs. Nelson alwaus  had fun with us. We did with her too.                                                                                                                                                                     PS.I HOP YOU ENJOYED MY STORY

Max and Tom's birthday

I went to max's birthday! His big sister was baby sitting. So I help finding the presents for max! Got a soccer net and a soccer ball! And tom got a scooder-ripstic! And they both got a tent!

Monday, June 15, 2009

You're AWESOME Lauren!!

I haven't backed-up my photos since 2005. I'd had repeated "caution start up disk is full" for a few months now.   I of course thought that they were nothing & continued to over ride them. Lauren gave us the prize I won on her blog. A PHOTO SHOOT.  Not the Josie kind, a real photo shoot!   I couldn't believe it.  I'm not sure she new what she was getting herself into {poor girl's never going to want to have kids}.  She spent an hour and a half shooting—that didn't include the gum, balloons, otter pops & editing.  She is totally amazing!  When I got the disc I couldn't stand it... they were awesome!  So I went to download them to share them and the computer wouldn't let me.  Apparently the "caution start up disk full" really was something.  It wouldn't even let me open safari.  So . . . we've finally gotten a back up hard drive, & I put everything onto discs {a lot of discs} ready to be placed into the safety deposit box.  Pictures have now been deleted, & the computer is working better then ever!  After a little catch up power blogging last night I can share these FABULOUS pictures.