Tuesday, July 22, 2008


If you have ever crossed paths with our Josie, you would instantly recognized the extra dose of personality. She has quite the one liners.

The other day Abby was in need of toilet paper while in the bathroom. So our cute little Josie took some in. After she came out and said to me "Mom, I said to Abby 'Here your majesty' I called her 'your majesty' because she was sitting on the thrown."

When she was barely talking she got out of bed one night had two pieces of bread and a plastic chicken from the "Old McDonald" game placed between them. Craig turned to discipline her but before he could do so she said "hey Dad look my chicken sandwich".

The other day when i was driving in the car in the corner of my eye i noticed something weird. I turned to catch Josie licking her feet. when i inquired what she was doing she responded with "Look, when I lick my toes watch what happens... they stick better (to the window)".

We'll keep you updated with "Josism's"

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