Holy cow what a day! Abby has not been doing well at Quail Run. It just doesn't fit with her personality. Over the few days she was there she couldn't sleep without me reading her to sleep, her stomach hurt her all of the time and she wasn't eating well. The hardest part of all was she wouldn't say anything bad about it. She just kept trying to make it work. My parents, Craig & I all fasted for what to do with schooling for the kids. Yesterday it became so clear. They don't all have to go there, it can work to go to both schools if we all work together. So I called the assistant principle on Labor Day! At her home! I know, gutsy. And pleaded to let Abby back and possibly Josie. She was great and today I woke up early and put together a piece offering. A big jar of my aunts licorice caramels. And it worked! Josie had chosen to go with Abs back to Rocky Mountain. Each school has elements that would work for JoJo. So I let her decide. {JoJo is always very intuitive, and understands how she feels. . .I wish I did. I always over think things.} They were awesome and helped place the kids back where it would fit them. Not just what numbers would work. I was totally impressed.
I was so anxious to find out how it went, Kimball & I showed up 30 min. before school got out. My stomach was so nervous! As they came walking out together, they were beaming! I asked them how it went and it was a total TWO THUMBS UP! Yahoo!
Kimball's first day of preschool was also today and because it took a bit of time this morning transferring the girls back we were late and can you believe I didn't even get a first day of school pic with Kimball on his first of all first days! Oh, I'm kicking myself right now. But you can bet I'll get one tomorrow. Kimball has talked about "Mr. {Mrs.} Graf who's name is Bawbwa {Barbara}", for over a month now. I asked him to show me if it was a thumbs up, thumbs down, and he said as he twisted his thumb and wrist in a circle "around the world. . . THUMBS UP!"
McKay was the last test. Would he be okay going to school without a family member. Yahoo, another thumbs up!
I feel like a winner! Minus the no pic, but still over all, a winner!
Now with all the running around, 2 different types of lessons, staggered by a half hour, going each for an hour, across town, and a soccer game, I've gone through 1/4 of a tank of gas in one day!!! Probably not part of the Quail Run's Mission statement.{They are an environment friendly and "responsible" school} But hey.