Monday, May 24, 2010

What the. . .

"What is this? A picture from early April?" You might be asking yourself. Well my friends that is from this very moment in time. 6:30 on this morning, the 24th day of May. Yes also the last week of school. . . dance festival practice is today. How am I suppose to finish that up in this? Tomorrow is the actual dance festival, then on to the Lindon pool on Wed. Yes that's right folks I said the pool. {I think I'm taking my space heater and ice skates.} However this is Utah and who know by then I might be complaining that it's 104. But for now I'm going back to bed and hiding my head in the covers.

In our back yard we have a group of scrub oak which we refer to as "our forest". It is now 11:00 and our forest is crying. I even sent Mr. Magoo out with a broom to knock off some of the snow. To late. trees are bending to the point the tops are touching the ground. We have two that have snapped at the base. Good buy dear friends who have provided a magical place for my monkeys. We will miss you dearly.


Natalie said...

ugg... I was just wondering if I needed to go out and cover my tomatoes!

Katheryn Wiederhold said...

wow, that is intense! Good luck with the practice. I plan on coming to the festival tomorrow! Woot. Love you sister. Sorry about your trees.

Sierra Baird said...

How sad! Who knew the snow could cause so much damage?

Pres. & Sis. Baird said...

I feel your pain! My beautiful perfect Japanese Maple is now 1/2 the tree it was!

Kameron said...

a little late here - I know - but I'm so sorry about your trees!! just a little jealous you weren't in the high 90s like we were in late May. ... today we're hitting 112º - nice thought, huh? AND I'm going to sit out for swim lessons in just about 45 minutes. grrr.